Widget in iOS 17 Xcode beta errors

In Xcode 15, we got improvements on widgets, which also change A LOT how we handle them in code, we need to take care now of: Live action, animations, Time Lines & App Intents If you download the Widgets example from Apple, you’ll see that it won’t compile in Xcode 15 Beta 2 after create … 


Create a local formula for homebrew (tap it!)

Before we dive in all the steps needed on how to create a formula, that you will use locally (ergo, not uploading it to homebrew public list), let’s briefly explain what is tap and formula in Homebrew. Formula: A formula is a package definition written in Ruby. A formula provides instructions and metadata for Homebrew to install a … 


Testable import in Xcode

In Swift there’s a message in “Test Target” that states that the bridging header will be removed in newer versions of swift. @testable import YourProject You fix it by adding #import “Project-Bridging-Header.h” inside ProjectTests-Bridging-Header and deleting the @testable inside your test @testable import YourProject


Configuración de Appium para iOS

Configuración Appium iOS 1. Instalar Appium…en mi caso con sudo (siguiendo las instrucciones de: https://github.com/appium/appium/blob/master/docs/en/appium-setup/running-on-osx.md) sudo npm install -g appium 2. Instalar Appium Instruments (Without delay), este enlace web se explica las razones https://github.com/appium/appium/blob/master/docs/en/advanced-concepts/iwd_xcode7.md y las instrucciones git clone https://github.com/appium/appium-instruments.git En mi caso, cree un espacio para almacenar el repo 3. Luego hay que ejecutar … 


Swift: Internacionalización de Strings

Estás escribiendo tu app, digamos que estás en tu zona ZEN, y por obvias razones quieres que sea adaptable a diferentes idiomas. Pero eso en cierta manera rompe el MOJO del ZEN, porque tienes que crear el fichero de internacionalización y comenzar a aplicar NSLocalizedString en TODO. En mi caso, cuando estaba en ello me …